Hone your craft. Finish the draft.


Ditch the excuses. Unlock. your writing potential.

I’m Melanie. I’m a writer and story addict.

Let me tell you what I already know. You’ve got a story to tell. You want to upgrade your writing skills. But you’re stuck. Maybe you haven’t even to dared begin. But I can help you.

You’ve found me for a reason. I’ve helped hundreds of people all over the world to complete work or develop a meaningful creative practice.

Now, it’s your turn. I offer a flexible 1-2-1 coaching and editorial service that fast-tracks your progress. The first step: Drop me a line. Let me in on your Big Idea. Tell me about you. Or check out my programmes here.

You want to do this. So what’s stopping you?

Many people harbour an ambition to write. But most people don’t even type the first word. Let’s unpack why:

  • Lack of technical/structural knowledge.

  • Not knowing where to start.

  • Too many ideas - or none at all.

  • Time constraints.

  • Insecurity about education or experience.

  • Fear of failure.

  • Distractions and lack of accountability.

I get it. I’ve lived it! But these are hurdles, not deal-breakers. When you’re ready, I have solutions. Tried and tested strategies that work and have opened up possibilities for hundreds of people who thought creativity wasn’t possible for them.

No experience? There’s a way to solve that…

Just start. Take a risk. Get it wrong. Trust me when I say this is an area where you learn as you go. Luckily, you’ve also got loads of experience to draw on. The ups and downs we go through in life are quite literally the basis of narrative. Great writing starts with curiosity. Taking an interest in others, reading, connecting, questioning. And lastly? I seriously don’t care if you haven’t written since school. Or if your spelling is hit and miss. Who you are and what you want to say is what matters here. Don’t worry about the rest for now. It’s my job to teach you the craft.

Don’t be the person who just thought about it.

There’s literally nothing to lose. This is a win-win situation. A worst case scenario doesn’t really exist. Good or bad, this is what will happen: You will learn. You will grow. You will be challenged. You will without doubt improve. You will gain clarity. You will gain perspective. You will learn things you didn’t know about yourself. You will develop new skills, new techniques, new approaches. Do it. Be the person who put pen to paper. Discover what you’re capable of. You might even enjoy it.